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7 year extended warranty on Mobil Wind Turbine SHC Gear 320 WT

What The  Extended Warranty On Mobil Wind Turbine SHC Gear 320 WT Covers:


ExxonMobil Petroleum & Chemical BVBA (ExxonMobil) provides this warranty to the purchasers who use  Mobil SHCTM Gear 320 WT (the “Lubricant”) in the gearboxes of wind turbines from the date of filling as established by the original equipment manufacturer (“OEM”) industry requirements, as well as other conditions described herein.

This warranty covers the Lubricant and critical components lubricated by the Lubricant. ExxonMobil warrants that the Lubricant is free from defects and that the Lubricant you purchased will protect your gearbox lubricated by the Lubricant, provided that:

• The Lubricant is confirmed to be an unadulterated MobilTM Industrial Lubricant product.

• The equipment has been operated within the limits specified by the OEM, and is duly documented.


 What The Warranty Does Not Cover

• This warranty excludes:Mobil Industrial Lubricants used in mechanically deficient equipment as a result of abnormal operation; negligence, abuse, damage from casualty, shipment or accident; or equipment modification done without written authorization from the OEM.

• Situations where the OEM required lubricant standards do not match those stated by ExxonMobil without the written approval from ExxonMobil.

• Mobil Industrial Lubricant products that have been used in conjunction with any other product or additive that has not been authorized for use by ExxonMobil.

• Failure of equipment due to a pre-existing condition that is unrelated to the use of the Lubricant.

• Repair or replacement of equipment due to normal wear and tear.

• Contamination (abraded particles, water, dust, sand, coating, filling, and/or corrosion-protection materials, etc.) and/or mixing with third-party products that may lead to early ageing of the product or to increased wear.

• Filter failure, noncompliance with prescribed filter-change intervals, the use of unsuitable and/or non-recommended filters

• Filtration under unsuitable filtration conditions.

• Overloading of the wind turbine (regarding operating or construction parameters).

• Furthermore, ExxonMobil shall not be liable if:

• The oil change is not carried out in line with prescribed procedures and duly documented.

• Oil analyses are not carried out at the jointly predefined intervals and recommendations resulting from these are not followed.

• The water content of the gearbox oil is higher than 0.2 % due to system infiltration and/or insufficient dehumidification.

• The Service Fill is negatively affected by additives such as zinc, molybdenum, calcium, or boron-based compounds due to mixing with an excessive quantity of the previous gearbox oil (> 2%) remaining in the system.


What the Period of Coverage Is

This warranty is valid for a period of 7 years from the date of filling.


What We Will Do To Correct Problems

ExxonMobil will replace any Lubricant that is defective. In addition, if there is equipment failure due to the Lubricant you purchased, ExxonMobil will bear any costs required and adequate to repair any equipment damage (or, in its sole discretion, bear the cost of replacement of such equipment) directly caused by a defect or malfunction of the Lubricant, provided that the Lubricant was selected and maintained in accordance with specifications of the OEM or the written instructions of an ExxonMobil lubrication engineer employee.


 How You Can Get Service

To file a claim under this warranty, you must:

1. Without undue delay upon discovery of the damage, contact your ExxonMobil or local distributor representative.

2. Allow an ExxonMobil representative to examine the equipment, including its operating and maintenance records to determine the extent of the damage and to

confirm that the Lubricant was the cause.

3. Allow an ExxonMobil representative to obtain representative new and used lubricant samples for laboratory analysis to assist in determining the cause of the equipment failure.


Further conditions

The switch to Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT is to be carried out as described in the accompanying TechTopic document: “TT Switch over Wind turbines.pdf” (see attachment). In particular, the complete elimination of remaining gearbox oil followed by sufficient flushing with the new product must be ensured. Furthermore the respective OEM guidelines for an oil drain apply.

Further Service Fills are to be carried out exclusively with original Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT. In switching over to Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT oil analyses are to be carried out in discussion with ExxonMobil. As a general rule, the following sample quantities are to be observed:

• One sample of at least 100 ml used oil for analysis.

• Following completed switchover of the oil: 1x 1 l and 1x 100 ml from the gearbox as analysis and reference samples, respectively, (directly after the switchover, as far as possible).

• After switchover, at least a 100 ml used-oil sample for analysis every 6 months.


The scope of the analysis is to be agreed with ExxonMobil appointed lubricants specialists. The used-oil analyses are to be carried out by an accredited laboratory that is agreed by both parties to be competent and appropriate. ExxonMobil recommends its SIGNUM lab service for this purpose. Sample taking for used-oil analyses from the oil-supply system is to be carried out as follows:

• As far as possible, the sample is always to be taken at system operating temperature.

• The sample is always to be taken from the same sampling point in the system.

• The sampling point must be clean, and if required is to be cleaned immediately before the sample is taken.

• The sampling point (lubrication valves and lines) is to be flushed before the sample is taken, i.e., as far as is possible run off a small quantity of oil before taking the sample.

• The sample container must be clean, dry, and fully sealable, and as far as is possible should be flushed with the used oil that is to be sampled for analysis.

• The sample-container stick-on labels are to be completely filled out and batch numbers are to be documented.


How The Warranty Relates To Other Remedies

This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights pursuant to your supply contract or mandatory laws, which are complemented and therefore not affected by this warranty.


For more information on Mobil Delvac Lubricants, please contact Burke Lubricants, your local Mobil industrial lubricants distributor on +353 (404) 20333, or visit